I never take the time to update this with cute things my kids do and this is the most important thing for me to write down. So if you don't care anything about my kids you will probably want to find another blog!
Tristan is getting so big and starting to really talk in "sentances". Today at dinner he was telling me he wanted a spoon. A second later he was saying "peas". So I got up to get him some more peas and disregarded the spoon command. After bringing him the peas he promptly pitched a fit. I had no idea what was going on. Luckily Daddy figured out and went to get him a spoon. The lightbulb clicked on and I asked him, "oh you want a spoon to eat your peas". This was followed by enthusiastic nodding and "yeah, yeah, yeah". He is starting to pronounce things really well and really likes saying his "k's" at the end of "milk" and "book". He sounds like a little German baby!
This afternoon we were playing Simon Says. I am always amazed at how animated Tristan is. He craves being the center of attention. Nothing could stump him. He was so excited to even do a dance, turn a summersault or sing a song on command during the game. He wants to be just like big brother.

Adam is really maturing too. In the past it has been hard to get much more than one word answers out of him about preschool. If I asked him who he played with he would only give me a yes or no when I asked him specifically. Today he told me a whole long story about what he and Brooks did on the playground. There is starting to be a lot more complex interaction which is fun.
Yesterday at naptime we were reading a story and Adam raises his hand to say "Dogs don't really talk". Who knows how long he had been working that one out in his head.
Lastly when we were playing over at Lori's yesterday I was laughing when Adam comes over to the group who was digging a hole in the ground and says "Can I please play with you guys". So sweet and cautious. Not sure where he gets that from.