Sunday, June 26, 2011

Meet Justice Medical Makes The News

Meet Justice Medical was lucky enough to be profiled on CNN international last week. So very proud to be a part of this education. This awareness really works and we are making it harder for human trafficking to happen in our city! Check out the story.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fathers' Day, Final Hockey Game and Friends

Father's Day was filled with a final hockey game, a trip to the zoo and good times with friends Jen, Steve, Lynn and Marc and their families.

Accelerated Readers = "Gooder" Drivers

I don't care how good a reader you are. Eight year olds should not be driving around the ATL. Sheeshh!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Body, Mind and Spirit: Newton's Laws of Motion Applied In Real Life

During my relative immobility due to a tendonitis I have been thinking a lot about laws of motion. You don't have to have a degree in physics to appreciate Newton's laws. The first law states that a body at rest tends to stay at rest. I have definitely seen this play out in my fitness routines throughout the years.

Newton's second law of motion states that force equals mass x acceleration. We first have to show up (be a mass) and the force applied (whatever we do to apply ourselves) will only accelerate us. Our velocity will not be maintained. The forces of friction in our life naturally want to slow us. We have to constantly apply force in order to move ahead. I have seen this law apply in my intellectual life.

This weekend after a powerful message at church delivered by Tad Assada I began to ponder Newton's third law, For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Tad Assada is a man who was once an assasin for Arafat. He once relished in the the thought and action of killing as many Jews as possible. He then had a complete transformation when he came to know Christ. I was awed by this man's spiritual transformation. I was so humbled and wondering why I could not be so filled with grace. I have never been a cold blooded assassin like this man. Equally true I have never been so humbled that I literally risked my life to follow God. Then it dawned on me, I HAVE had periods of great spiritual growth and sacrifice but they have usually come after periods of extreme darkness.

I love it when the laws of science are in harmony with God's laws. It shouldn't suprise us afterall. It is not God vs. Science but it was God that invented Science. Here we can see that the "Holy Trinity" of "Mind, Body and Spirit" which is somewhat "New ageish" is at work constantly within nature and within God's handiwork.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breaking and Entering

So this past weekend we went to Hilton Head. We were lucky enough to be able to go down and stay at my Aunt and Uncle's condo fairly last minute. We were really ready to get away! My Aunt mailed me the key, I picked Adam up from school early and we were out of the house and on the road by 2:30 (way earlier than I had anticipated). We get on the road and sit in traffic immediately after pulling out of the subdivision. We sit in traffic for about 15-20 minutes and as we are turning onto 316 I notice the kids look awfully short. Hmmm, might be because they do not have their booster seats. We turn around of course. Second trip out of the gates put us a little past 3 o'clock. There were the pretty standard delays out of Atlanta on a holiday weekend and we hit a pretty bad storm somewhere in Middle Georgia. We get down to the condo about 9:30. If you are doing the math that is a 5 hour trip made into 7 hours which may be standard for some families but they have never been on a road trip with Robert Hagerman. The kids were still awake and exhausted. We were ready to get them in the bed ASAP!

I go to get the key (that I had obsessively checked for in my purse about 6 times on the way down) and unlock the door while Robert is unloading. Only one problem...the key doesn't work. It had been a while since I had been down there and I am thinking maybe I don't remember the number of the condo. I call my Aunt and Uncle but they didn't answer. I called my Grandmother but she didn't answer. I called my Aunt and Uncle back, no answer. I called my Grandmother back who answered and gave me my Aunt's cell phone number. I got a hold of my Uncle who assured me that we were at the correct place. The copy of the original key (made at Home Depot) just simply doesn't work!

We started to mull over our options wondering where we are going to stay. My brain normally shuts down at about 8:30 so I didn't have a whole lot of ideas. We thought about calling a locksmith but my uncle assured me that we could take the door that goes to the mud room off the hinges with a screwdriver and a hammer. Only problem is we didn't have a screwdriver or a hammer! We found the local True Value but they were closed.

Our only option at this point was to call my Aunt's friends in the complex to see if they have any tools. Nobody was home however and I am sure that they were not really ready to give a random person a hammer and screwdriver to break into the condo. Panic started to set in a little bit as the kids were getting ready for a breakDOWN as we were preparing for breaking and ENTERING. We decided at this point that I would just walk around and knock on doors and ask completely random people for tools. The first door I came to with lights on was lucky number 13! I knocked a couple of times and a young woman and an older couple came to the door and stared at me blankly while I gave her the whole "So what had happened was..." speech. They actually gave me the hammer and screwdriver and we were finally ready for the breaking and entering portion of the program.

We finally got in the condo around 10:30 and get unloaded. I thought at this point that Robert must be REALLY tired because he didn't get all the bags out of the truck. No, my wonderful perfect husband got all the bags out of the truck...I just forgot to bring the one that I had packed for the kids downstairs after packing it so carefully at home! Not to worry, sure we didn't have stories to read or a change of underwear but we DID have bathing suits and games for the beach! So we made up our own stories for bedtime (way more fun) and they were quickly asleep. Also quickly awake....

Our next day started a little before 6 AM. The kids were WAY excited to the beach. We were probably at the beach at 8:30 AM! They were definitely not afraid of the waves and had a blast!

We came back to the condo and I went shopping for some groceries and souvenir shirts (insert change of clothes). We made lunch and had a much needed rest.

After our rest we headed over to Shelter Cove for the Arts Festival, to grab a bite to eat and catch the Shannon Tanner show. If you have been to Hilton Head with kids in the past 24 years you know Shannon Tanner. If you have not... he is a great performer for the kiddos and gets them really into moving around and sharing in the music.

Sunday we started off a little later and I got in a run down the beach. We headed off to play at the beach a little later and stayed a little later. We came home for a little downtime and let the kids play some games. Apparently Tristan would rather pee his pants than get up and go to the bathroom when he is into a video game! So this is the reason we headed out to eat with Tristan going Commando. (this will become important later).

After eating at the Crazy Crab in Sea Pines we headed over to the best playground ever! I mean you might actually be able to hurt yourself at this place, awesome Live Oaks to climb, tree houses. Awesome! It was a beautiful night, not too hot and time to just enjoy the kids playing.
About 5 minutes after we get there Tristan runs up to me with a horrified look on his face and announced, "I WENT POTTY IN MY PANTS!!". So my poor child who never has accidents pooped his pants when he was wearing nothing but Umbros! Luckily Umbros wash out easily. Unluckily the stupid Crazy Crab which is a HUGE restaurant with a million kids (because why else would you eat at the Crazy Crab unless you knew you could take your kids) has the smallest bathroom known to man with only two regular stalls and no handicap accessible stall. By the time we left the bathroom there was a line of about 10 Moms with kids. Fabulous.

Despite all the pitfalls it was great to get away. We had a great time and now have great stories to tell. I mean what is a family vacation without a little National Lampoon story to tell!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Swim Team

The kiddos started swim team and are having a great time!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Soccer and Hockey

Finally some less soggy weekends for soccer! Tristan had a great time in his first scrimmage games of the season. He is a lot of fun to watch. Adam had his first hockey game of the spring season and he got to be goalie at the last minute. We lost 4-6 but the kids played great.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Easter Turkey

So today a new tradition was born, The Easter Turkey. Robert was putting up his hunting equipment from another turkey hunt when the kids followed him downstairs and found the Easter baskets that my Mother in Law had forgotten to tell me about. So it took me a couple of minutes to distract them, hide the baskets and come up with a story about the Easter Turkey who plays tricks on little boys. Tristan took the story and expanded on it. Adam was inconsolable and wants his Easter treats NOW!!! Hopefully Dadddy will get that Easter Turkey before it can play any more mean tricks on little boys!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Scarcity vs. Abundance

I have been thinking a lot lately about scarcity vs. abundance. It has become more and more clear to me that most of the world's conflicts are spurred on by the philosophy of scarcity. If we only believe there is enough to go around for a limited number than we are likely to be fearful, greedy, racist and prideful. I have seen this both in my personal life and on the world stage.

When my patients need help if I were to believe I only have 20 minutes of time and a limited amount of emotional energy then the office visit becomes impossible. If I go into the room believing that God will give me the tools I need at the appropriate time then the impossible becomes possible. If I learn to draw my energy from above then God can use me as the healing instrument.

When I play with my kids and all three of us believe that we have to split my love and attention in half then there arises great conflict and jealousy. For some reason experiencing God's abundance with my kids is much more difficult than in any other area of my life. Perhaps it is because they only can understand love in portions or maybe because my own fears and anxieties are so much greater when dealing with them.

What I do know is that God's abundance is not the same as our idea of abundance. Our idea of abundance is chopping, stacking, planting and sowing. Our idea of abundance is the parable of the ant and the grasshopper. That is, if you don't store up and work all summer then you won't eat. Jesus told a different parable, one of feeding 5000 people with just a few loaves of bread and a few small fish. Somewhere therein must lie a balance between industry and grace. Is it possible to live in these two worlds. That is what I am trying to figure out. Stay tuned...