Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This morning was a particularly trying one where Adam woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He seemed to want to blame everybody else for his bad attitude and "bad day". Mostly Tristan takes the blame for everything going wrong. So we had a little talk before school about how nobody controls your reactions to things and you are the only one who controls what kind of day you have. So I dropped him off at school and went with Tristan to go get Robert a coffee. As I was walking with two coffees accross the parking lot, I stepped off a curb, twisted my ankle, fell to the ground, stubbed my toe and spilled the hottest of the two coffees on my left hand. Ugghhhh! I felt like God was telling me that I was missing the point. It is not actually WE who control our actions and our destiny but God who grants his grace in our lives so that we can make our paths straight. I pondered this a good part of the day. Tonight when I was putting Adam to bed I told him the first part of that story because I wanted him to know that those lessons are hard for me too. I thought I was going to have to explain to him all about Grace and how that is what guides our lives. However when I asked him if he knew what Grace was he says to me, "It's when God keeps sin from entering your heart". WOAH!!!! So much better than I could have explained it. Talk about a little miracle.

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