Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catching Up

Thought I should write a little about my actual life! This weekend was really low key after a kind of stressful week. Finalized our plans to head out to Seattle. We moved into our new office last week and it is beaufiful. Starting to see some actual patients so that is nice. I have been driving my guys to school since I am pretty slow at work right now. Then Molly was in a bad wreck in the morning going to school. She is o.k. but it is one of those things that gives you pause about how delicate our lives are. Tristan has been so excited about the potty these days we thought we would try a little potty training this weekend. I think he is still pretty young but Saturday he did awesome. Only used two diapers the whole day. Sunday was a little different. Even Adam was having issues after being trained for well over a year. He has had some accidents the past couple of days which is very unusual for him. He told me that he did it on purpose when I asked him. Said that he was frustrated. We talked a lot about jealousy. I don't know if we should be working on all of this right now but when your 19 month old can say "Pee pees coming out" it might be time to try I guess! Tried to catch up this weekend on some scrapbooking. I was horrified to realize that I hadn't scrapped anything since January!! How did it get to be October?? I was looking through all of our pictures back to when Adam was little. It is all going by so fast.

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