For some reason I cannot access my network to post some pics on this computer so I thought I would just update the blog without photos for a change. Adam is now doing choir at church. He loves it. I am really suprised. He loved all the songs. He had his first performance on Sunday. It is funny because it is always the same thing with cherub choirs. There are always a couple of kids (usually girls) who are steeling the show and singing really loudly. Then there are the kids that are just kind of staring at the director. Then there are the kids that are just crying their eyes out. Adam was the staring kind. I kind of had a prediction that he would do that.
We had a our second soccer game on Saturday which was fun but a little less organized since we were missing some players and Dads. Adam played all but 2 minutes of the game. He was worn out.
Funny story from last week. Last Sunday (the 21st) we went to church with Lynn and the message in Adam's class was "God wants us to obey". He has been talking about that a little. Meanwhile on Wednesday we went to church for Wednesday night supper and choir. We got a CD with all the choir music on it and Adam loves listening to it. We didn't really talk about the fact that these two places are church or that those places were where we learn about God. So Thursday when we were getting in the car after school he says, "I want to listen to the 'God wants me to obey' songs". He had drawn that correlation all by himself. It was one of those moments where you realized you had a big boy and not a little baby anymore.
Adam is still making me crazy with the napping situation. I have tried the past couple of days without putting him down for a nap and that did not go well. I hate this transition phase. He just came out of his room for the 10th time while I was writing that last sentance. He doesn't always need a nap but he can't really go the whole day without one either without being completely miserable.
Tristan is a cutey patootie. He is getting gigantic. At his doctor's visit today he was 34.5 inches and 30 lbs. Pretty big for 18months. He knows how to throw his weight around too. As sweet as he is he can throw some fits!! I was proud of both of them in the grocery store today especially since we went right after the shots. Tristan threw a little fit right at the beginning putting him in the cart but the rest of the shopping was smooth. Adam was walking around helping me find things. I don't know why it is so hard for me to catch onto the way he is developing sometimes. I forget that he is pretty big and mature and that he can help with these things now.
And alas....the blackout condition in Athens last weekend. What a tragedy. I have to say I was pretty proud of my Dawgs in the 3rd quarter. I kind of saw it coming with all of the penalties we have been drawing this season. Watching the games for the past couple of weeks I have been a little worried that they might come back to bite them. (actually no pun intended) Hopefully we will tighten up over the next two weeks and destroy Tennessee. I think there will be a rematch in Atlanta in December. I can't believe we dropped down to number ELEVEN in the polls though right in front of Florida who was beat by an unranked team! Alabama looks pretty incredible and I wouldn't be suprised if they win the whole ball of wax.
Treehouse Park
15 years ago
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